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Portugal - National Geographic Traveler *

Portugal - National Geographic Traveler *

Termék internetes ára
9 000 Ft
Akció: 3 990 Ft
Kezdete: 2022.01.27   A készlet erejéig!
Termék kosárba helyezése
500 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
227 pages; 120 color photographs
5 1/4" x 8 7/16"
© 2013
2nd Edition
A termék tulajdonságai
Exploring this fascinating country, National Geographic Traveler: Portugal, 2nd Edition opens with a detailed introduction to the country's history, food, land, and culture. From the hidden alleys and grand palaces of Lisbon, Portugal's elegant capital city, to the beautiful gardens of the remote Madeira Islands off the Atlantic coast, readers will discover each of the country's seven regions. Special detailed sidebars discuss such diverse topics as Portugal's famous wines and the sultry and soulful music known as Fado. A hefty Travelwise section includes extensive lists of handpicked hotels and restaurants and insider tips on the best tours. Completely updated and revised, with brand-new photographs, the second edition includes new experiential sidebars, insider tips from National Geographic experts and others, as well as a useful "charting your trip" section that helps you plot your upcoming trip to this beautiful country.

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