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Termék részletek

Vienna – Vienna Woods - RO 4838

Vienna – Vienna Woods - RO 4838
  • Vienna – Vienna Woods - RO 4838
  • Vienna – Vienna Woods - RO 4838

Termék internetes ára
7 700 Ft
Akció: 6 930 Ft
Kezdete: 2022.05.25   A készlet erejéig!
Termék kosárba helyezése
200 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
1st edition 2013
144 pages with 84 colour photos, 50 height profiles, 50 maps in 1:12,500/1:25,000/1:50,000/1:120,000 and an overview map with a scale of 1:600,000
Format 11.5 x 16.5 cm, paperback with a polytex-laminated cover

Szállítási határidő: 1 hét
A termék tulajdonságai
»Wien ist anders (Vienna is different)« is posted on the signs at the city limits of this metropolis between the Eastern and Western Worlds; indeed, hardly any other European city can offer such a wealth of excursions as the megalopolis on the Danube. The range of recreational regions stretches from the foothills of the Eastern Alps and reaches all the way to the distant Carpathians. The vast majority of the walks described here are located, however, in the immediate environs of the city and lie a relatively short distance away from the centre: in the marshlands of the delightful »Blue Danube«, in the chain of hills making up the Vienna Woods and in the rediscovered walking paradise of the Weinviertel (Wine District).
The author – since early childhood well-acquainted with excursions in the Greater Vienna area – has put together a splendid mixture of typical Viennese geniality with nonetheless unforgettable walking routes. Almost every walk includes a stopover at an inn or a »Heurigen (wine tavern)«. In addition, the visitor is presented with some casual rambles in the »City of the Arts« that will bring him closer to the renowned city sights. Great store has been set in selecting starting points and destinations that can be reached by public transport. As a result, this Rother walking guide ideally connects both the visiting stranger as well as the local citizen with the scenic attractions of this wonderful city and its environs.

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