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Published: 6th Dec 17 2nd edition 112 pages |
A termék tulajdonságai |
Published to coincide with the centenary of the end of World War I, this new, thoroughly revised edition of Bradt's World War I Battlefields is the only compact practical travel guide to cover both French and Belgian battlefield sites. Produced in a lightweight and portable format, the guide features all the main memorials and museums alongside practical information on how to book the best guided tours or find the resting place of family members lost in battle. New for this edition are updates on special projects opened in 2017 to mark the centenary of the Battles of Arras, Vimy Ridge and Cambrai, along with new walking or cycling trails based on major sites and towns or on 'themes' such as well-known wartime poets, including the 90-km long Remembrance Cycle Trail linking Arras and Amiens. Also new are child-friendly tour suggestions, information on new apps to aid independent exploration, and details of the new HI Belgium Pass. Also included in this new edition is information on the new poppy cenotaph in Ypres, a full list of events to commemorate the Battles of Messines and Passchendaele, the new 14-18 trail created with 1/25 scale models at Mini-Europe, Brussels, the Menin Road exhibition, Flanders Fields by boat tours and a special focus on Women of the War. More than 100 countries took part in World War One, and this guide covers information relevant to many, from Australia and New Zealand to South Africa, Canada and the USA. New for this edition are details of the new information centre focusing on Arras and the Battle of Vimy Ridge, the Sir John Monash Centre and the Marne 14-18 Interpretation Centre. The authors, John Ruler and Emma Thomson, are both members of the British Guild of Travel Writers and have each previously written a Bradt guide on the area. |
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