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TOP termékek

Termék részletek
Tömeg |
150 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről |
térkép 1: 25 000 90 x 70 cm Astroida |
A termék tulajdonságai |
Paklenica National Park on the Croatian coast near Zadar on a detailed, contoured and GPS compatible map at 1:25,000 from Astroida, highlighting waymarked hiking paths and cycling routes both within the park and outside its boundary, plus on the reverse notes about the park. The map covers both the Velika and the Mala Paklenica Canyons and the surrounding area, presenting the topogaphy by contours at 5m intervals plus relief shading, colouring and/or graphics indicating woodlands, meadows, etc. The overprint highlights waymarked hiking paths, with their numbers cross-referenced to a list on the map cover indicating timing, degree of difficulty, etc. The map also shows recommended cycling trails. Road network indicates locations of petrol stations and car repair facilities. Symbols highlight various places of interest including campsites and mountain huts, information offices, etc. Along the coast beaches and marinas are marked. The map has a 1-km UTM grid, plus latitude and longitude margin ticks at 1’ intervals. Map legend includes English. On the reverse are notes about the park plus adverts for local accommodation, etc. |
Vélemények a termékről
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Utoljára megnézett
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