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Antarctica: A Guide to the Wildlife - Bradt

Antarctica: A Guide to the Wildlife - Bradt

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10 200 Ft
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210 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
Published: 23rd Mar 18
7th edition
160 pages / 160 pages of colour photos / 3 map
A termék tulajdonságai
Updated throughout, the 6th edition of Bradt’s Antarctica: a Guide to Wildlife is the most practical guide to the flora and fauna available for those “going south”. Celebrating the amazing and often unique species of this spectacular environment, the title features chapters on the region’s famous whales and penguins, and also on lesser known species such as skuas and sheathbills, with full coverage of plumage and identification. Each chapter is accompanied by vibrant illustrations from Dafila Scott to help bring species to life. In the last 10 years visitors to Antarctica have trebled to 30,000, and there are now 35 tour operators visiting the region. Tony Soper’s immaculate and engaging text remains the indispensible choice for the intrepid wildlife enthusiast.

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