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Termék részletek

Estonia - Bradt

Estonia - Bradt
Estonia - Bradt

Termék internetes ára
10 800 Ft
Termék kosárba helyezése
Tulajdonságok kiválasztása
420 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
8th edition
15 Nov 2021
A termék tulajdonságai
Bradt's Estonia remains the only English-language guidebook to this Baltics destination and this seventh edition reveals more of the country than any previous guide. Readers now discover why Miss Estonia likes antique cars, where Eiffel built before Paris, and why Edward VII could not land in Tallinn to meet Tsar Nicholas II and had instead to spend three days in the harbour. Offering extensive coverage of Estonia's complex cultural history and its artists, writers and musicians, alongside comprehensive practical information, Baltics expert Neil Taylor proves that there's much more to Estonia than the cobbled streets and cafés of Tallinn. He won the 2012 Estonia Presidential Award for this guidebook.
9 781 841 623 207

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