Internetes ár: 0 Ft


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Termék részletek

Közép-Afrikai Köztársaság térkép - IGN

Közép-Afrikai Köztársaság térkép - IGN

Termék internetes ára
6 900 Ft
Termék kosárba helyezése
150 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
1 : 1 500 000

Institut Geographique National
A termék tulajdonságai
Indexed map with a plan of Bangui and an administrative map of the country. Topography and terrain are indicated by relief shading and spot heights, with forests, savanna, deserts, areas of seasonal inundation, and boundaries of national parks and forest reserves. Road network includes minor roads and tracks and shows location of petrol stations. The map also indicates hospitals and medical centres, post offices, missions and other religions establishments, selected accommodation, places of interest, etc. Latitude and longitude are marked in the margins at 2? intervals and by cross ticks on the map itself. Map legend is in French only.

The map has an index of place names, and insets showing Bangui and the surrounding area at 1:50,000 with main streets and districts within the city, and an administrative map of the country.

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