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Published : 27th Jan 2020 4th edition 228 pages |
A termék tulajdonságai |
This new edition of the Bradt guide to Bratislava by expert author Lucy Mallows remains the most authoritative and reliable guide available to the city that combines history with hedonism like no other. Bradt's Bratislava is by far the most comprehensive and entertaining guide on the market – in any language. Maps, walking tours, historical perspectives and hotels, restaurants, cafes and pubs are all covered. In addition, it features detailed information on shopping, sports, gardens and parks that you'll find in no other book. Not only does it include out-of-town ideas, but it goes into greater depth than other guides and is written in an engaging and colourful style that sets out very deliberately to entertain as well as inform. This third edition is thoroughly updated to include the vast number of new boutique hotels, restaurants, bars and cafés. It also offers a useful transport map and guidance on city transport and an updated event calendar. Straying out of the city itself, it also covers Košice, 2013 European City of Culture. |
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