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Önnek elég áttekinthető-e áruházunk kínálata?
Igen, könnyen eligazodom.
Csak a keresőt használom.
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Termék részletek

Niger térkép - IGN

Niger térkép - IGN

Termék internetes ára
6 900 Ft
Termék kosárba helyezése
150 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
1 : 2 000 000

Szállítási határidő: 2 hét
Institut Geographique National
A termék tulajdonságai
General map with bold relief shading and bright colours indicating various types of terrain and vegetation. Road information includes seasonal routes and petrol stations. The map shows local aerodromes, hospitals and medical centres, various accommodation facilities, etc. A full place name index is included along with an administrative map of the country, a distance chart, and a basic street plan of Niamey. Latitude and longitude are shown at 2? intervals. Map legend is in French only.

NB. The map also shows the grid for the 1:200,000 topographic survey of Niger published by IGN. Detailed topographic maps of France's ex-colonies are now available only as reproductions from the IGN library, and in many cases special permits from the African governments are needed to purchase them. Costs vary, but are always considerably higher than for current topographic maps of this kind.

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