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Danube Bike Trail 1 (Duna menti kerékpárút) - Esterbauer

Danube Bike Trail 1 (Duna menti kerékpárút) - Esterbauer
  • Danube Bike Trail 1 (Duna menti kerékpárút) - Esterbauer

Termék internetes ára
6 990 Ft
Termék kosárba helyezése
300 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
1 : 50 000

120 oldal
Esterbauer Verlag
A termék tulajdonságai
The Danube cycling route between Donaueschingen and Passau is about 595 kilometers in length, not including alternative routes and side excursions.
Most of the route follows quiet country lanes or dedicated cycling paths. Sections with heavier traffic are rare and usually short. With only a few exceptions, the roads and paths have a hard surface. Gravel sections are usually in good condition. Because the route follows the course of the river, it is almost completely flat. Excursions away from the river may quickly head uphill, however. Because the route often crosses flood plain areas, you may be forced to use alternative routes when the river is high.
Route markers along the Danube bicycle route are generally reliable and good. Markers indicate direction whereever the route makes a turn and at larger intersections and forks.
From Donaueschingen to Neustadt the signs are yellow with green script. Downstream from Neustadt the signs are white with green script. After Kelheim the signs also bear the slogan “Tour de Baroque” and the German Danube icon alternates with the lute-player seen on the Tour de Baroque signs.

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