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Termék részletek

Rajastan térkép (+kalauz) - TTK

Rajastan térkép (+kalauz) - TTK

Termék internetes ára
4 280 Ft
Termék kosárba helyezése
200 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről

1 : 1 220 000
100 x 69 cm
A termék tulajdonságai
Rajasthan at 1:1,220,000 in a series of locally produced administrative maps of Indian states from TTK, with a street plan of central Jaipur, a distance table, and a 80-page booklet providing a guide to the state and its sights, etc.

The maps show the division of each state into districts and have more small towns and villages than on more general maps of India available from other publishers. Presentation is now considerably improved with the districts shown in different colours. The maps indicate each district’s administrative capital and also show which towns or villages are headquarters of the tehsil (or tahsil, tahasil, taluka, taluk, taluq) administrative units.

Road network distinguishes between national highways, state highways, major roads and other local roads. Intermediate driving distances are given on some routes and most titles include a distance table. Railway lines are also marked and, on some titles, various places of interest. No information on topography or geographical coordinates are provided.

Each map comes with a booklet attached to its cover, which contains a guide to the state and, in some titles, an index of place names. In the more recently revised titles the guides provide plenty of information on local places of interest and various attractions, and include lists of selected accommodation and, occasionally, basic street plans. PLEASE NOTE: the various series of state maps of India often show different small villages, supplementing each other to provide a more detail picture of each state.

IN THIS TITLE: a street plan shows central Jaipur, including the Pink City. The 80-page booklet, illustrated with colour photos, provides a general introduction to the state, district-by-district descriptions of the sights, accommodation recommendations, etc.

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