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Great Britain Eyewitness Travel Guide

Great Britain Eyewitness Travel Guide
Great Britain Eyewitness Travel Guide
Great Britain Eyewitness Travel Guide
Great Britain Eyewitness Travel Guide
Great Britain Eyewitness Travel Guide

Termék internetes ára
10 800 Ft
Akció: 10 152 Ft
Kezdete: 2022.10.19   A készlet erejéig!
Termék kosárba helyezése
Tulajdonságok kiválasztása
620 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről
592 pages
Published: 17 Feb 2022

125 x 217mm
Dorling Kindersley
A termék tulajdonságai
Great Britain (Nagy-Britannia)

Britain's historic treasures, thriving cities, charming villages, beautiful national parks and rural landscapes are laid out for you with hundreds of colour photographs, maps and illustrations. Detailed cutaways and unique floor plans take you inside the stately homes and palaces that feature in every corner of the land, while the wealth of practical information makes planning your travels simple.

You'll find dozens of reviews and recommendations for Great Britain's best restaurants, pubs, shopping and hotels region by region, as well as a special feature covering The Flavours of Great Britain. With information on the best walks, scenic routes, beaches, markets and festivals, the DK Eyewitness Travel Guide to Great Britain is your must-have item for any trip to England, Scotland and Wales.
9 780 241 306 239

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