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920 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről | 14th Edition / Aug 2021 |
A termék tulajdonságai |
Buckingham Palace, Stonehenge, Manchester United, The Beatles – Britain does icons like nowhere else, and travel here is a fascinating mix of famous names and hidden gems. Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of Great Britain, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice: inspirational images, 3D illustrations, city walks and recommendations from our expert au-thors planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique plus features on the Great Outdoors, Literary Britain, the Lake District and Gourmet Great Britain Coverage Includes: Planning chapters, London, Canterbury, Southeast England, Oxford, Cotswolds, Southwest England, Cambridge, East Anglia, Birmingham, the Midlands, the Marches, Yorkshire, Manchester, Liverpool, Northwest England, The Lake District, Cumbria, Newcastle, Northeast England, Cardiff (Caerdydd), Pembrokeshire, South Wales, Hay-on-Wye, Mid-Wales, Snowdonia, North Wales, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Southern Scotland, Stirling, Central Scotland, Inverness, Northern Highlands & Islands, Understand and Survival chapters. Great Britain (Nagy-Britannia) |
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