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Rövid leírás a termékről | 8th Edition |
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Despite all that history has thrown at it, St Petersburg still feels every bit the imperial capital… a dazzling metropolis whose sheer grandeur never fails to amaze. Lonely Planet will get you to the heart of St Petersburg, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice: Inspirational images, 3D illustrations, city walks and recommendations from our expert authors Planning features and top itineraries to help you plan the perfect trip Local secrets and hidden travel gems that will make your trip unique PLUS History of the Hermitage, in depth background on architectural styles, arts & literature, and a guide to cruises and guided tours. Coverage includes: Plan Your Trip, Historic Heart, Sennaya & Kolomna, Smolny & Vosstaniya, Petrograd & Vyborg Sides, Vasilyevsky Island, Understand St Petersburg and Survival Guide. Szentpétervár |
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