Internetes ár: 0 Ft
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- _ Utazók áruháza
TOP termékek

Termék részletek
Tömeg |
900 g/db
Rövid leírás a termékről |
spirál atlasz 1 : 300 000 méret: 18 x 25 cm Mal og menning szállítási határidő: 2 hét |
A termék tulajdonságai |
Road Atlas of Iceland at 1:300,000 from Mál og menning in a spiral-bound glovebox format, with 35 street plans, several thematic maps, and cartography derived from the company’s excellent mapping at 1:100,000. The representation of country’s topography is particularly vivid, with excellent relief shading based on satellite imagery supplemented by contours at 100m intervals plus colouring and/or graphics for different types of terrain and vegetation: heath, grassland, wetlands, sand, lava, glaciers, etc. The degree of detail includes even names of individual farms, all listed in a comprehensive index. Road network distinguishes between surfaced or gravel roads and other tracks, indicating ford crossings. Ferry connections and local airfields are also shown. Symbols indicate locations of emergency shelters, tourist huts and shelters, campsites, swimming pools, lighthouses, thermal or hydroelectric power stations, etc. Margin ticks give latitude and longitude at intervals 10’ and 20’ respectively. Map legend includes English. The atlas provides 35 indexed street plans, indicating one way streets and highlighting various facilities. Reykjavik, spread over 9 pages, is shown on with its outer suburbs plus and enlargement of the city centre. Also included are: a list of museums with a map showing their locations; thematic maps showing campsites, swimming pools, golf courses, and interesting bird-watching sites; plus a comprehensive distance table. Current 13th edition of this title was published in 2012. |
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Utoljára megnézett
14 900 Ft
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